您目前所在的位置: 行域人才网 > 造价人才网 > 杭州天腾雾森设备制造有限公司 > TTC研发中心/生产中心



  • 公司规模:1—49人
  • 公司性质:外商独资
  • 所属行业:建筑安装
  • 所在地区:浙江-杭州市


专业要求: 土木工程 学历要求: 本科 薪酬要求: 面议
工作地点: 浙江 - 杭州市 工作年限: 不限 外语要求: 无要求
招聘人数: 1人 年龄要求: 不限 有效期限: 长期有效
  • 【职位描述】 <br/>在业务方面,需对机械设计部门进行部门规划,对整体产品设计过程进行主持、监控、进度把握,对关键技术、研发核心点具直接的开发能力,并对技术成果做到审核确认; <br/>在管理方面,负责部门的整体计划,对部门组员进行有效管理与培养,并能对重点项目、技术成果进行单项管理。 <br/>【任职要求】 <br/>1.具机械独立开发能力,专业从事机械设计12年以上,其中3年以上部门主管工作经历; <br/>2.善于把握轻工类非标设备以及生产该设备相关的工艺装备的核心技术、结构设计及开发。 <br/>3.运用项目管理工具或手段,以找出机械开发中的核心关键点并形成设计思路,对于机械设计的外化与产品表现工艺熟悉,并具相当的创新研发能力。 <br/>4.具良好的口头及书面表达能力,工作细致、严谨; <br/>5.具有较强的团队管理能力及协调沟通能力;并具有一定的市场洞察力; <br/>6.机电一体化等专业本科以上学历,35-50周岁,机械制图相关软件熟练运作。<br/> <br/><br/>
  • 公司简介:
    TTC Tianteng RubyMist International Co., Ltd. is a professional company that is specialized in research, development, production and sale of RubyMist products. The headquarter of the company is in Hong Kong, the financial center of Asia, while the base for production and sale is set in Hangzhou, one of the most developed cities in the Yangtze River Delta.
    TTC RubyMist system is a set of striking mist-making equipments that can make the smallest mist particles. Using water as raw material, TTC RubyMist can make small mist with micro-hole striking processing to make views, lower temperature, control humidity and clean dusts, so it is widely used in view creation, stage design and air purification etc. TTC has more than 40 state patents including ruby nozzle, anti-leakage and anti-bump nozzle, water processing device, mist formation device, mist and fountain device, mist sculpture and lamp device and temperature and humidity control device, so it can provide perfect, healthy and controllable misting effect for its partners, who have used TTC RubyMist system successfully in Hong Kong Disneyland, Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Garden, Shanghai Binjiang Park, Beijing Yuandadu Wetland, Hangzhou Dragon Well Garden, Xiamen Tianzhushan Park, Image Liu Sanjie, Image Lijiang, Opening Ceremony of the 10th National Games, Opening Ceremony and Closing ceremony of the 4th East Asia Games, CCTV-1 2006 Spring Festival Party and many teleplays such as “Magic vulture and knightly lovers” produced by Zhang Jizhong.

    Employees and human resource policies
    We hope that all the employees of TTC can pay attention to the relationship between the industry and social environment, keep on studying, create more new products and provide better services.
    We provide an open platform, emphasize teamwork and offer attractive positions for those who are responsible and outstanding in their work. Our employees share the value together with the enterprise.



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